Rabu, 25 Mei 2011

PhD Studentship in Computer Graphics, University of Strasbourg 2011

Phd Industrial Engineering In various disciplines ranging from anthropometry, CAD (CAD), computer graphics, and psychology, adopting 3D laser scanner to capture the surface shape and build statistical models from a set of surface data is listed now widely accepted. Although there are a large number of studies done on static datasets with the proliferation of algorithms and a solid theoretical background, this did not appear to be the case for data, time varying dynamic, because of limited accessibility to the dynamic surface.Phd Industrial Engineering In most sessions capture the form, people are required to remain silent during the scanning. Sure, the current registration techniques (and therefore shape analysis technique) to handle the geometric features of static datasets, and the dynamic behavior of the skin of people who are relatively fixed unspeakable. This Phd Industrial Engineering is unfortunate, because the dynamic features can not be captured using only the geometric features of the target subject when deformed. Although the use of geometric features based on anatomy knowledge is still the gold standard, it is clear that it may produce results with limited capabilities correspondence calculation is reliable, because of some general subjects were observed as the human body is very mobile and drastically change not only governance arrangements geometric feature space but also from time to time.

Phd Industrial Engineering Eligibility Details:

- Masters in Computer Science / Electrical Engineering, or Mathematics
- Good programming / communication skills
- Good level of English is a liability. http://www.callforpapersinfo.com

Major Research:

The Phd Industrial Engineering main research topics are Computer Science, Signal Processing, Automatics and Remote Sensing.
Il depends on 3 instituts of CNRS: Institute of Computer Science and their interaction (INS2I) as primary attachments, Institute of Engineering and Systems Science (INSIS) and National Institute of Science Univers (INSU), as attachements secondary. It is administratively attached to the National School of Engineering Physics from Strasbourg (ENSPS).

Application Deadline:
Please Contact For Application Deadline for employers

Further details:
For more information about these scholarships please visit the link below.


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