Rabu, 25 Mei 2011

PhD Studentship in Computer Graphics, University of Strasbourg 2011

Phd Industrial Engineering In various disciplines ranging from anthropometry, CAD (CAD), computer graphics, and psychology, adopting 3D laser scanner to capture the surface shape and build statistical models from a set of surface data is listed now widely accepted. Although there are a large number of studies done on static datasets with the proliferation of algorithms and a solid theoretical background, this did not appear to be the case for data, time varying dynamic, because of limited accessibility to the dynamic surface.Phd Industrial Engineering In most sessions capture the form, people are required to remain silent during the scanning. Sure, the current registration techniques (and therefore shape analysis technique) to handle the geometric features of static datasets, and the dynamic behavior of the skin of people who are relatively fixed unspeakable. This Phd Industrial Engineering is unfortunate, because the dynamic features can not be captured using only the geometric features of the target subject when deformed. Although the use of geometric features based on anatomy knowledge is still the gold standard, it is clear that it may produce results with limited capabilities correspondence calculation is reliable, because of some general subjects were observed as the human body is very mobile and drastically change not only governance arrangements geometric feature space but also from time to time.

Phd Industrial Engineering Eligibility Details:

- Masters in Computer Science / Electrical Engineering, or Mathematics
- Good programming / communication skills
- Good level of English is a liability. http://www.callforpapersinfo.com

Major Research:

The Phd Industrial Engineering main research topics are Computer Science, Signal Processing, Automatics and Remote Sensing.
Il depends on 3 instituts of CNRS: Institute of Computer Science and their interaction (INS2I) as primary attachments, Institute of Engineering and Systems Science (INSIS) and National Institute of Science Univers (INSU), as attachements secondary. It is administratively attached to the National School of Engineering Physics from Strasbourg (ENSPS).

Application Deadline:
Please Contact For Application Deadline for employers

Further details:
For more information about these scholarships please visit the link below.


Selasa, 17 Mei 2011

Research Fellowship Phd Industrial Engineering in Department of Chemistry

Phd Industrial Engineering Department of Chemistry is seeking to support outstanding individuals and potential services that might want to apply for one of the following research scholarship to be held at the Department from October 2012:
Royal Society University Research Fellowship
EPSRC Career Acceleration Fellowship
BBSRC David Phillips Fellowship
NERC Advanced Research Fellowship
Wellcome Trust Career Development Fellowship
Phd Industrial Engineering must include a cover letter, indicate which of the five best research themes include the Ministry of field research them a CV, publication list, and one-page research report summarizes the research plan and resource requirements. Applicants also must arrange a letter of support from members of academic staff the Department to be sent independently by the same date.http://www.callforpapersinfo.com
late applications will not be considered. We intend to compile a short list of about ten applicants that include a scholarship scheme at the end of June 2011. Those short-listed will be invited to visit the Department on July 20, to give research seminars and met with members of academic staff.
Phd Industrial Engineering Applicants will be notified soon after if their applications will be supported by the Department, and fellowship schemes for which they can apply. Part of this procedure will certainly take place before the call for proposals has been announced by the sponsor, but the time scale is determined by the possibility of early filing date is in August and the need to give applicants enough time to prepare their applications and receive feedback.

Scholarship Application Deadline: May 31, 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application

Rabu, 11 Mei 2011

Spain Scholarship Phd Industrial Engineering Programm Grant Programme

The Phd Industrial Engineering in3-UOC Doctoral Engineering Grant Program requires full-time students and a facility dedicationfrom physically present at the research institute.

Phd Industrial Engineering maximum duration of grant is four years. Grants require annual renewal. Renewal is dependent on the students benefit from these grants and research training objectives established in each case. One goal is to complete the study period, held within a maximum period of three years. Another is to carry out research papers from doctoral thesis.The rules for updates and decisions on grant allocations in3-UOC.

Scholarship Application Deadline: May 20, 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application

Kamis, 05 Mei 2011

Dinu Patriciu Foundation Open Horizons Scholarships Program PhD Industrial Engineering

PhD Industrial Engineering candidates are young people, citizens of Romania, who have been accepted in the Master / Doctoral Study Program with a renowned foreign universities.
Open Horizons Program does not fund the programs of inter-university mobility, but merely complete an education program. For this reason, The Dinu Patriciu Foundation
PhD Industrial Engineering will only consider the right to the people who started their Master and Doctor Degree program in the same university that they apply for a scholarship.

Scholarship Application Deadline: 15June, 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application

Minggu, 01 Mei 2011

Bournemouth University International Postgraduate Scholarship PhD Industrial Engineering

All PhD Industrial Engineering applicants payment of fee "international" (non-EU) are eligible.
For courses that do not apply this scholarship?

Applicants for all teaching full-time postgraduate studies (Master) in the following schools can apply:

University of Applied Sciences
School of Design, Engineering and Computer
School health and social care
School of Tourism

How many scholarships are awarded annually?

University of Applied Sciences - 10 Scholarships
School of Design, engineering and computer science - 10 Scholarships
School of Health & Social Care - 10 + 2 Scholarship
Tourism School - 10 scholarships.

How much is the scholarship worth?

The value of each scholarship will depend on the course as follows:

School of Applied Sciences - (£1,500)
School of Design, Engineering & Computing - (£1,000)
School of Health & Social Care - (10 x £1,000 and 2 x £3,000)
School of Tourism - (£1,000).

How is this scholarship paid?

Scholarships are paid by a reduction in tuition fee or by cheque.
What are the criteria for this scholarship?

You must be able to demonstrate an exceptional academic profile (equivalent to UK 1st Class Honours degree as assessed by NARIC)
You must be able to demonstrate an outstanding personal profile as evidenced in your personal statement.

Other information about this scholarship

Recipients of this scholarship cannot be in receipt of any other BU scholarship
Financial need will not be taken into consideration.

How do I apply?

You can download the BU International Scholarship application form here:

BU International Scholarship application form (PDF - 116kb)

The PhD Industrial Engineering deadline for applications is 31 July 2011 for entry in September 2011 and 30 November 2011 for entry in January 2012, although you can apply at the same time or after you have submitted your course application form.
When will I hear if I have been successful?

The PhD Industrial Engineering successful applicants will be notified within four weeks of the decision being made.
Further information:

askBU Students Service

Bournemouth University
The Base
Poole House
Fern Barrow
BH12 5BB

Email: askBUstudents at bournemouth.ac.uk

Further Information

Application Deadline : 31 July 2011